A great young New York / Estonian artist Martin Saar has thrilling series of paintings of Soviet Estonia. All Soviet kids have had those three wheelers! Featered in our blog "My first girlfriend" by Martin Saar
A typical courtyard in a bohemian part of town in Tartu - one house has make believe doors and windows, the other one has none. Photo by Andra Teede (Kass Ting).
Estonian rightwinger politician Kristiina Ojuland is running to Brussels, I mean, running for a place in European Parlament. Photo by Andres Putting (freelance/Delfi), 29 March 2009.
It's still snowing often but this does not stop an Estonian film director from walking barefoot. And wow to the tie! Photo by Rosin (Kass Ting), March 2009, Tallinn.
I guess we all sometimes feel that we hate our everyday job and environment. Still we keep fulfilling idiotic tasks and wear smiling masks for clients and bosses. Dropping out is an alternative but I wouldn't go for it.
The last photo shows vodka called "The Source of Joy" and small bottles of drinkable "eau de cologne". Take a note of the blood on the floor. Somebody's legs are bleeding.
Photos by Andres Putting (freelance/Delfi), Kopli homeless shelter, Tallinn, March 2009.
Evelin "HuupI" Kuusik (pointing finger of the first pic) paints pictures of naked writers. Exhibition of exhibitionists opened in Võru Kannel cultural centre Monday 16 March 2009. Photos by rockograph Mats Õun (http://www.apple.ee/).
The dream band of Estonian rock star poets Young Authors' League performed in Nõmme Cultural Centre to celebrate the Estonian Language Day on 14. March 2009. Photo by culture promotor Jukko Nooni.
What ever happened to Leon Trotsky? He got an ice dick, I guess, if he ended up in Nõmme (part of Tallinn that used to be a separate town before WWII). The source of that beautiful photo taken in the beginning of 2009 asked to remain anonymus.
Paparazzi gather around Estonian president Toomas "Wild Cat" Ilves and the first lady. It's the Estonian independence day reception in the mostly Russian-speaking North-East of Estonia. Have you ever seen so much respect from the photohunters? They form a geometrically correct circle. We envy you, Tom! Photo by Andres Putting (freelance/Delfi), Jõhvi Kontserdimaja, 24th of February, 2009.
They say our economy has broken down... so I guess it's time to relax and dine in style. Photo by Andres Putting (freelance/Delfi), Tallinn, March 2009
After taking down the poor old bronze soldier in Tallinn we built the Freedom Cross. Btw, kids, don't eat yellow snow. Photos by Aapo Ilves during March 2009.
Workers of the world, unite! is a dead slogan. Fuck the commies, it's singing time. Preferably in Estonian. Photo by Jüri Afanasjev, 8 March 2009, Brussels